Tina Lee-Vogt

Nighttime Economy Manager

Innovation & Economic Development

Tina Lee-Vogt has over 30 years of diverse professional experience in public policy and administration. In October 2022, Tina was appointed as the first Nighttime Economy Manager for the City of Sacramento. She oversees the Office of Nighttime Economy which serves as the liaison for the nightlife industry, the community, and city agencies. The goal of the office is to ensure city has a safe and vibrant nightlife.

Tina was previously the Program Manager in the Community Development Department Code Compliance Division and managed the Entertainment Permit Program. She developed its collaborative approach to managing the city’s nightlife. In addition to entertainment, Tina managed several citywide programs including tenant protection, vacant lots, appeals and hearings, and rental housing. She was recognized as the Community Development Department Employee of the Year for 2020.

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