Meet the Nighttime Managers

The Sociable City Summit is the annual gathering for many current and former Nighttime Economy Managers. This is an evolving professional field with representatives from many major cities and united through the Nighttime Economy Culture and Policy Alliance (NITECAP Alliance).

Academy and Summit attendees can join in workshops or at social gatherings to learn about the role of a nighttime manager, how they see the position evolving, and what cities need to do to create this function as part of their planning strategies.

Atlanta, GA

Michael Paul

Former Manager Nightlife and Culture

Office of Film, Entertainment & Nightlife

Atlanta, GA

Kristen L Edwards

Manager, Nightlife & Culture

Office of Film, Entertainment & Nightlife

Austin, TX

Brian Block

Entertainment Service Manager

Austin Music and Entertainment

Boston, MA

Corean Reynolds

Director of Nightlife Economy

Boston, Massachusetts

Dallas, TX

Edward Grant

Nighttime Economy Manager

City of Dallas

Detroit, MI

Adrian Tonon

24-Hour Economy Ambassador

City of Detroit

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Sarah Hannah-Spurlock

Former Nighttime Economy Manager

Office of the City Manager Fort Lauderdale

Iowa City, IA

Joe Reilly

Nighttime Mayor

Iowa City Downtown District

Nashville, TN

Benton McDonough


Nashville Office of Nightlife

New Orleans, LA

Howie Kaplan

Director of Nighttime Economy

Mayor's Office of Nighttime Economy

New York, NY

Ariel Palitz

Founding and Former Director

New York Office of NIghtlife

New York, NY

Jefferey Garcia

Executive Director

New York City Mayor's Office of Nightlife

Orlando, FL

Dominique Greco

Former Nighttime Economy Manager

City of Orlando

Orlando, FL

Justin Eason

Nighttime Economy Manager

City of Orlando DDB/CRA

Ottawa, ON

Mathieu Grondin

NIghtlife Commissioner

City of Ottawa

Philadelphia, PA

Raheem Manning

NIghttime Economy Director

Philadelphia Department of Commerce

Pittsburgh, PA

Allison Harnden

Nighttime Economy Manager

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Raleigh, NC

Rachel Bain

Hospitality and Nightlife Planner

City of Raleigh

Sacramento, CA

Tina Lee-Vogt

Nighttime Economy Manager

Innovation & Economic Development

San Francisco, CA

Ben Van Houten

Business Development Manager

Economic & Workforce Development

San Francisco, CA

Maggie Weiland

Executive Director

San Francisco Entertainment Commission

Seattle, WA

Scott Plusquellec

Nightlife Business Advocate

Office of Film and Music

Toronto, ON

Paul Ainslie

Councillor - Night Economy Champion

City of Toronto

Washington, DC

Salah Czapary


DC Office of Nightlife and Culture