Our clients include Business Improvement Districts, Main Street programs, non-profit organizations, and city and county governments’ departments of planning, police and economic development
These Cities have Engaged RHI's Services
Client Testimonials
See what RHI clients have to say...
“Elected officials and city management, police, business, and community members all have a part to play in creating safe, vibrant and economically prosperous social spaces.”
~ greg mullen, former chief of police ~ Charleston police department
"Thank you for your commitment. I couldn’t imagine entrusting this process with anyone else. You produced a solid report with extensive assessments, observations and recommendations from miles away. Quite the impressive feat."
Erin keller, vice president for development, Newtown macon, Macon, Georgia
"By re-engaging RHI, we hope to bring long-term solutions to the table that our entire community can embrace and tackle collectively. Our emphasis will be on creating a safe, dynamic and diverse nightlife."
Beth Weirick, CEO of Milwaukee Downtown Business Improvement District #21