
Ottawa Music Strategy

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Soundtrack for a Global City

Ottawa is in the middle of a transformation. As the striking architecture of new light rail transit stations take shape, it is clear that Ottawa will look very different, very soon.

Ambitious redevelopments at Lansdowne Park, Bayview Yards, La Nouvelle Scène, Centre pointe Studio Theatre, Shenkman Arts Centre and the Ottawa Art Gallery Expansion/Arts Court Redevelopment have already provided new places to work and play, and signaled a bold vision for what is possible here. A new central library, hospital campus, and Lebreton Flats redevelopment will help to further reinforce Ottawa’s well-earned reputation as one of the world’s best cities in which to live.

If you live in Ottawa, or if you visited to experience Ottawa 2017 celebrations marking Canada’s 150th anniversary, you know that something exciting is happening here. There’s a renewed confidence, creativity and sense of identity.

And that Swagger has a Sound Track

In the following pages, we outline a three-year strategy (2018-2020) for supporting the growth of our emerging music industry, and for energizing our city with the power of music. These are important next steps in establishing Ottawa as a global music city.



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