
Women's Night Safety Charter Toolkit

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All women have the right to enjoy London after dark. Sounds obvious, doesn't it? And yet the four million women and girls living here still face many barriers when taking part in our city's life at night.

"I just want to be free and move around like a bird."

While we know that Londoners are actually no more likely to be a victim of crime at night than during the day, a combination of factors create an environment where women in particular are less likely to feel safe, as shown in our 2018 report into London at Night.

"I take a massive detour after my night shift because the quickest route has no lighting at all."

We also know that women and girls still face much higher levels of sexual violence, assault and abuse than the rest of society at night.

"When I'm working at the club, I should be confident that my manager will do something if some guy won't leave me alone."

We know too that sexual offences have the highest levels of under-reporting. This is often because victims fear being blamed or not being believed, or don't know or don't trust there porting process. Whether she is your employee or your customer, you can help her feel safer when speaking out.

"I should be able to make my way home after an evening with friends on the night bus without being sexually harassed."

We believe that sexual harassment, in all its forms, is unacceptable. We are calling on businesses, organizations and services that operate in London at night to step up and be part of a huge change. It's about time, don't you think?



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