Learn how the city has taken a comprehensive approach to reduce alcohol-related harm in a city accredited by the World Health Organization as a “Safer Community.”
- Nightlife Management Plan: Components of a successful plan for managing a nightlife venue district.
- Risk-Based Licenses: Learn how venue licensing and fee determination is based upon a venue’s risk level.
- Licensee Forum: A self-regulatory model for nightlife venue staff to mentor, collaborate, and receive positive recognition for achievements in nightlife safety.
- Most Popular Training Topics: Find out the most attended curriculum topics for education of venue staff.
- Pre-Loading: Find out how this contributor to intoxication is addressed via new off-premise legislation.
- Reduce Emergency Room Visits: Learn how the presence of a staffed First Aid post in key nightlife areas has led to a 2/3 reduction in the number of emergency room visits related to alcohol.
- Community Input into Local Alcohol Licensing Decisions: Get an overview of Wellington’s approach to community input via the Reform Bill’s new legislation.
- University Campaigns: The “Stay Safe in the City” campaign has been a huge success in messaging the college-age population about safety issues in nightlife. Find out how the campaign works.

Laurie Gabites